Shipping and Delivery

1. Processing Time:

  • Orders are processed within 1-2 business days of receiving payment confirmation.
  • Customized or made-to-order items may require additional processing time.

2. Shipping Methods:

  • We offer standard and express shipping options.
  • Shipping rates and estimated delivery times are displayed during the checkout process.

3. Shipping Destinations:

  • We currently ship within India.

4. Shipping Partners:

  • We partner with reputable courier services to ensure timely and secure delivery.

5. Estimated Delivery Time:

  • Standard Shipping: 3-7 business days from the date of dispatch.
  • Express Shipping: 1-3 business days from the date of dispatch.

6. Tracking Information:

  • Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking details.
  • You can track your order through our website or the courier company’s website.

7. Delayed or Lost Shipments:

  • In the rare event of a delayed or lost shipment, please contact our customer support team at for assistance.

8. Shipping Charges:

  • Shipping charges are calculated based on the weight of the items, shipping method selected, and delivery location.
  • Free shipping may be available on orders above a certain value. Check our website for current promotions.

9. International Shipping:

  • We currently do not offer international shipping.

10. Delivery Address:

  • Customers are responsible for providing accurate and complete delivery addresses.
  • We do not deliver to P.O. boxes.

11. Delivery Attempts:

  • Our courier partners will make multiple attempts to deliver your order. Please ensure someone is available to receive the package.

12. Change of Delivery Address:

  • Requests for a change of delivery address after the order has been shipped may incur additional charges.

13. Shipping during Peak Seasons:

  • During peak seasons or promotions, there may be slight delays in processing and shipping times.

14. Returns due to Non-Delivery:

  • If a shipment is returned to us due to an incorrect or incomplete address, the customer may be responsible for additional shipping charges.

15. Public Holidays:

  • Please note that deliveries may be affected during public holidays. Check our website for any announcements regarding holiday shipping.

16. Contact Information:

This shipping and delivery policy is subject to change without prior notice. Please review our policies regularly for updates.

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